Ofook Fanni - افق فني

by مؤسسة افق لتقنية ال&#160...



Ofoq Company provides the latest home services through its application, such as:Domestic labor services on a monthly basis (home cleaning, home cooking, home driver, home nanny, etc.).Domestic labor service on an hourly basis. (Home cleaning - hospitality - etc.).By a group of cleaning professionals trained with the highest level of professionalism and speed in performance and implementation.Application features:Request service in less than a minute.Various payment methods.Easily manage your contracts and orders.Create a new reservation.Renew your contracts.Various packages and periods.Manage your locations and addresses.Instant chat with customer service.Request to submit a visit date.Request to postpone the visit date.Request to install the service provider.Request to change service provider.Request a refund from the wallet.Delivery order tracking.